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Free from Drugs and Alcohol and One in Christ
We believe that alcohol and drug addictions are symptoms of sinful behavior and negative emotions. We believe persons using drugs/alcohol and the love ones that are affected by their using must find freedom. We believe that this freedom is found in establishing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and living His Word. We believe that the Church will lead the battle in the war against drug and alcohol addiction, once the Church has been trained in the area of recovery. We believe drugs and alcohol addiction crosses denominational lines so denominations must band together to win this battle. We believe that family members and loved ones are deeply affected by the addicted person’s behavior and recovery must take place. We believe that this is a winnable war!
We are a group of believers that believe freedom is available to anyone that wants it. We are Christians called to be a bright light in a dark world. We come from all walks of life. Some of us work directly with the addict/alcoholic and their family members that struggle to be free. Some of us support Free N One in any way we can. We ban together with one goal in mind victory! We understand that we are in an ongoing war, but we also understand the battle is not ours but the Lord!
Free N One purpose is to:
- Provide for the addict/alcoholic with spiritual and clinical tools, which will equip them to lead a clean and sober life in Jesus Christ.
- Provide a safe place for recovering addicts and or alcoholics, and loved ones that seek freedom, peace and joy together with others that are seeking the same exact thing.
- To educate the church about the disease of addiction, and teach its members how to love and care for addicts and or alcoholic and loved ones that is suffering.
- Bring the body of Christ (The Church) together as one, to fight Satan on the front line, where we know we will be victorious in Jesus Name. One church standing alone has a slim chance, but many churches standing together will win.
Free N ONE is for anyone that believes they are called to help the addict and or alcoholic find freedom. You DO NOT have to be a recovering person to join this army of believers. If God has called you there is a place for you! Contact us we want to hear from you.
For the addict/alcoholic
Free N One is designed for anyone who is tired of being in bondage to any kind of mind-altering chemical that is destroying their life. Free N One is there to help anyone that is tired of struggling day in and day out, year in and year out on a never-ending roller-coaster ride that won’t let you off! Free N One is a rescue for anyone that has been existing from day to day instead of living victoriously in Christ. Free N One is for anyone that has been destroying their families and loved ones lives and everything they touch. Free N One is for anyone that is tired of seeing the sun come up once again knowing you have to continue drinking and using and lying to your loved ones about the night before! Free N One is for anyone that is tired of the tears, tired of the wasted years, tired of the failures. Free N One is for anyone that is tired of being tired! Yes, this program is for you! So, remember you did not become an addict/alcoholic overnight, so easy does it. If you live this program, you will be free!